Needlestick injuries are a well known risk in the healthcare industry, so there are strict procedures in place to avoid injuries occurring. When these protocols are not followed, it can be an accident waiting to happen. This was the case for an NHS nurse who recently came to see Bartletts expert personal injury solicitors in Wrexham.
The nurse was working in an elderly care ward and was placing something in a bin when he was pricked by a needle which someone had failed to dispose of correctly in a sharps bin.
As injuries from needles can pass on viruses and infections, the nurse was required to have numerous blood tests over and it was six to eight months before he was given the all clear.
When the nurse came to see the specialist personal injury solicitors at Bartletts, he informed us that he had previously had a needlestick injury and having to go through the experience anxiously waiting for the all clear for a second time had been very stressful for him.
Our lawyers helped the nurse to establish that his employers were liable for the accident as the correct procedure for disposal of sharps had not been followed. We successfully made a claim against the employer’s insurance company for compensation for personal injury.
The nurse said, “I am absolutely delighted with what the personal injury team at Bartletts have done and will be recommending all my friends and family to use them in the future.”
For free and impartial legal advice regarding your personal injury, please contact Bartletts Solicitors on Freephone 0800 988 3674 or Chester – 01244 405 399 or from a mobile on 0333 200 4465 or email