When you go into a shop, the owner is responsible for ensuring that you are reasonably safe while you are on the premises. If safety regulations are ignored and an accident happens, you could be able to make a claim for compensation against the shop owner. Bartletts expert personal injury solicitors in Wrexham recently won compensation for an injured child who was badly injured when she trapped her finger in a shop door.
The girl, aged seven, was shopping with her family when a shop door closed onto her finger. The door was very heavy, with a self-closing mechanism which caused it to close suddenly, with great force, onto the girl’s finger.
The child suffered a severe injury to her index finger, causing the tip to be sliced off. She was rushed to hospital where she had surgery to the finger and the wound was dressed. The girl was left with cosmetic damage and ongoing numbness at the end of her finger.
As children under 18 cannot make a legal claim in their own right, an adult, usually a parent or guardian, has to make the claim on their behalf. Bartletts expert personal injury solicitors were able to establish a claim against the shop, as there had previously been a similar accident, of which the occupiers were on notice, yet they had failed to address the issue. Our solicitors successfully helped the girl’s parents win compensation for personal injuries on behalf of a child.
If you have had an accident or suffered an injury that wasn’t your fault get in touch with our specialist personal injury solicitors in Chester and Wrexham