When a factory worker’s tattoo turned sceptic, leaving him scarred for life, Bartletts personal injury lawyers in Wrexham secured him the compensation he deserved.
The 40-year-old man, who had never had a tattoo before, visited his local tattoo parlour to have his chosen design tattooed onto the top of his right arm. Following the treatment, the tattooed area became extremely red, raised and itchy. It had become infected and was bleeding.
The man went to his GP for medical advice and was prescribed a course of antibiotics for the infection and his arm was dressed and bandaged. He returned to his GP’s practice for further consultations and regular dressing changes for the next few weeks. After the final dressing was removed he was prescribed a dermatological cream to reduce scarring at the site.
When the man came to see one of Bartletts’ specialist personal injury solicitors in Wrexham he had a permanent large red scar measuring two inches in diameter on the top of his arm, instead of the tattoo he had intended. Our experienced solicitor advised claiming compensation for personal injuries from the tattoo parlour’s insurance company.
With small independent traders, such as tattooists, piercers and beauticians, it can be hard to establish whether they have insurance in place as you have to rely on their cooperation in response to requests for details. They are likely to be worried about being reported to the local council and losing their licence to operate.
Having received no initial response from the tattoo parlour, our solicitor quickly took action and applied to court for disclosure of documents held by the tattoo parlour.
Bartletts submitted a compensation claim to the insurance company on the man’s behalf and successfully secured compensation for personal injuries.